Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Am I Crazy??

Am I crazy? That is what I am asking myself after re-reading an email I just sent to my future mother-in-law! She was talking about how crazy things are right now in her life (The lady has 3 kids and a husband... she's a brave woman!), and I got to thinking about my own crazy life. This was my response...

"I know what you mean!! I had 24 hours worth of board exam reviews this weekend, two lab practicals this afternoon (that's where I have to demonstrate different exams, adjustments, and/or orthopedic tests), got biochem, pathology, and physiology exams tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday, got family flying in from the Philippines Thursday, 2 more practicals next week, an Aunt in town all next week and weekend, 7 final exams the week after, then gotta study for board exams for about 6 days before I go back to eight 8-hour days of straight board exam reviews, then I go back to school starting Trimester #5 for 4 days, then the actual board exams that Friday and Saturday.... all while trying to buy a house and plan a wedding... WHEW!! So don't be surprised if you don't see much of me until about September 13th!!! OMG! I knew I was a busy girl, but DANG!!! HA!! Luckily after that, I just have to focus on 32 credit hours of class (the usual) and studying for my clinic entrance exam so that I can take on a full load of patients starting in Jan on top of my classes (which is why we gotta get this wedding planning stuff out of the way by the end of December). Did I mention that Chiropractic school (AKA Medical school on CRACK) SUCKS!!! HA HA HA!!! Call me crazy, but I kinda LOVE IT!!!"

So I decided I've finally cracked... which is what I was most likely ON when I signed up for this 3-year torture! Just put me in a padded room so I don't hurt myself.... :)


Anonymous said...

i feel ya girl! this schedule is crazy! and im just on the receiving end ! i have to just put up with it~ its all very worth it tho!!! you guys are all going to make great docs one day! anways, was it you that asked about the banner and stuff on my blog? i know a couple amy's, so i wanted to be sure it was you before i give you the whole schpeel on how to do it! :) email me: